

Бидний уриа:

Импортлогч, түгээгч тэргүүлэгч компани болох Golden Cycle Asia Pacific ХХК нь цогц үйлчилгээг хүргэх чадвартай бөгөөд үүнд:


Худалдаа түгээлт

  • We have an in-depth understanding on customer and consumer needs
  • We carry out effective and efficient targeted promotion planning
  • We have well trained on the ground merchandizing team with product knowledge to improve service levels and handle different customer groups
  • We gain feedback and improve by carrying out after sales analysis

Брэнд Маркетинг болон хөгжүүлэлт

  • To analyze and formulate marketing strategies to grow and diversify the business
  • To create unique selling proposals to distinguish product from competitors
  • To carry out localized marketing activation and quantity forecasting
  • To survey outcomes of different promotion mechanisms to determine the possible success rate
  • To carry out market research on category competitors

Логистик ба дэд бүтцийн систем

  • Our distribution coverage is nationwide including the Capital City of Ulaanbaatar and the 20 Provinces in Mongolia (also including Siberia).
  • We have continuously prioritize investments in infrastructure to leverage on cost efficiency
  • We focus on ensuring our transportation is efficient and that on-time delivery is a must
  • We have a robust Warehouse Management System (WMS) for effective tracking of inventory levels
  • We have detailed sales report for sales tracking, traceability and analysis